Designform provided renovations to the existing 2 story, 12,880 sq
ft, office building and 32,345 sq ft warehouse, relocation of
existing fabrication shop and addition of mezzanine, connector
building, plumbing assembly shop, and tool storage area. This
relocation and addition provided a total of 46,156 sq ft of
fabrication/assembly area.
The addition of the mezzanine provided an additional 10,311 SF for a total of 23,191 SF of operational business space. The mezzanine provided additional offices, a meeting room, and multi- purpose room connected to a new break room. The multipurpose room included 2 sound proof operable partitions so that the large room could be divided as needed based on activity.
The mezzanine included offices for the production/assembly managers which provided them with a direct connection with the production assembly areas without reducing the operational sq ft of
those areas.
The new connector building required the removal of existing precast panels and provided access to the newly added pipe fabrication shop, plumbing assembly shop, and tool storage area constructed
adjacent to the metal products fabrication and assembly area.
The tool storage area and plumbing assembly shop includes a
drive in door connection and man door connections to the metal
products fabrication and assembly area. The plan was arranged
not only for space efficiency but for operational efficiency as well.
The existing office building allowed space for all support services.
There were still connection points, but a direct connection was
not needed or beneficial with the fabrication areas. This
separation allowed for less distraction and more productivity.
They were even able to separate the vendors from the